Tag: Vape

Top Benefits of Vaping

Most people are well aware of the dangers of smoking, and rightfully so. Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your health and is the leading cause of preventable death in the UK. Every smoker should quit. The majority of smokers would be happy to give up. Many people are unaware of vaping and how it can help them quit smoking. Disposable Vapes offer many benefits to quit smoking. Here are some of the most important things to know.

Better for Your Health

vapingVaping is viewed as dangerous as smoking. There is a lot of misinformation about vaping. This is categorically false you can vape. The health benefits of vaping are 95% greater than those of smoking. Its effectiveness as a quit aid means that you will be more likely to stop or reduce your smoking. E-liquids have fewer chemicals than cigarettes and they don’t stick in the body as much as tar in your lungs.

People who vape quickly notice great health benefits such as lower blood pressure, better breathing, improved taste and smell, and improved lung function. This all happens in a matter of a few months.

Cheaper Than Smoking

According to estimates, smoking 20 cigarettes per day will cost you around PS3000 annually. According to 2015 data, the average UK smoker smoked 11.3 cigarettes per daily. This means that an average smoker will spend around PS1700 every year on cigarettes. Of course, this will vary for everyone. It depends on what kind of cigarettes you smoke and where you purchase your cigarettes. This is an average estimate. You should also note that vaping is more expensive than smoking. However, vaping is much cheaper than using tobacco cigarettes on an ongoing basis. Vaping has a huge decrease in ongoing cost when you’ve made your bulk purchase.

Effective Way to Quit Smoking

smokingE-cigarettes can be very effective in helping smokers quit smoking. According to the ONS data on UK smoking habits, more than 50% of UK smokers expressed a desire to quit. Vaping is a great way to quit smoking. The nicotine rush is only one aspect of vaping’s effectiveness. Vaping can help you quit smoking because it relieves many of the physical cravings and habits you have developed over years of traditional cigarettes.

Vaping is a great way to quit smoking. Vaping can even be a physical act, such as inhaling or exhaling smoke or vapor. This is something that you might miss with patches or gum or lozenges.…