Tag: anabolic

3 Exercises to Increase Muscle Mass Fast

We all want to look good. Looking suitable means having a lean, toned body with muscle definition. But most of us are not born with the genetics for this type of physique, so we have to work hard at it. If you are looking for ways to bulk up fast and without side effects, keep reading! This article will give you three exercises that will help increase your muscle mass quickly!



Squats are the king of all leg exercises. They will torch your legs and they’re an excellent exercise for overall body strength as well. To perform proper squats, stand with feet shoulder-width apart and keep your back straight (no hunching forward). It would help if you kept your head up at all times to prevent injury from poor form. Slowly lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and then rise back up. Squats should be performed in a steady, controlled motion and take about two seconds on each rep. If you can’t squat down without falling over, consider using a bench behind you for support until you build enough strength to complete full squats (you’ll get there!).


Bench Presses

This classic exercise is a great way to start building muscle mass in the chest. Those with weak pressing muscles might find it difficult first, but this will get easier with time and practice. This exercise is also perfect for those who are trying to bulk up. Bench Presses work the pectoral muscles, triceps, and front deltoids. They should be performed slowly with a full range of motion to achieve their maximum benefits. This will ensure that much tension is placed on your chest muscle throughout the lift and during the lowering phase.


strongOne of the most powerful exercises for increasing muscle mass is deadlifts. If you want to get those impressive muscles, start with this exercise and do it regularly and without breaks so that your body can adjust itself to these new demands. If you do this daily, you will eventually see changes in your body.

This was proven effective when it comes to increasing muscle mass. Repeat this for about eight to twelve reps (or set a timer if that helps) while taking regular breaks between sets so that you can recover before going on with new ones. Boost your deadlift performance by doing this three times a week to maintain momentum. This exercise is considered the king of all activities for a good reason, so believe me, this will work.

I’m sure you want to know how to increase muscle mass quickly. It all starts with having a plan and the proper exercise routine and healthy eating habits. These workouts will allow you to build your muscles and keep them in shape for when they’re needed most. If you need more help understanding what that means or where to start, we have plenty of information available on our website for you. Work out now and feel the difference in your muscles by tomorrow!…